The Game Class

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Game class

LittleKt also has a Game class which is also a ContextListener but offers a few additional things such scene management and switching, and some handy delegates for handling assets. It is a lightweight but has very common use-case on what most LittleKt applications require. This is purely optional and does not have to be used.

class MyGame(context: Context) : Game<Scene>(context) {}

Doesn’t look much different than a ContextListener but it does take a generic type parameter that extends the Scene class. This is so we can create our own scene base class and use those as the absolute base within the Game class vs just a Scene class. But for this example, we can just pass in the base Scene class.


A Scene is nothing more than an empty abstract class the contains a bunch of lifecycle methods. It does nothing on its own and needs to be managed, via the Game class or a custom implementation.

abstract class Scene(val context: Context) : Disposable {
     * Invoked when a [Scene] is first shown.
    open suspend fun = Unit

     * Invoked on every render frame.
    open fun Context.render(dt: Duration) = Unit

     * Invoked when a resize event occurs.
    open fun Context.resize(width: Int, height: Int) = Unit

     * Invoked when this scene is hidden from view.
    open suspend fun Context.hide() = Unit

    final override fun dispose() {

     * Dispose of any assets here.
    open fun Context.dispose() = Unit


In order to use a scene, we must first create and add the scene to the Game class. We can do that by simplying calling addScene() and passing in the instance of the Scene. We can add as many scenes here as we want. We must ensure we also call setSceneCallbacks(context) to register context callbacks so that our scene lifecycle methods are invoked.

class MyGameScene(context: Context, private val font: BitmapFont) : Scene(context) {

    private val batch = SpriteBatch(context)

    override fun Context.render(dt: Duration) {
        batch.use {
            font.draw(it, "Hello World", 50f, 50f)

    override fun Context.dispose() {

class SampleGame(context: Context) : Game<Scene>(context) {

    override suspend fun Context.start() {
        // we must call this in order to subscribe to the
        // context callbacks such as onRender.

        val font = resourcesVfs["my_font.fnt"].readBitmapFont()

        // reigsters the MyGameScene class
        addScene(MyGameScene(this, font))

        // sets the current scene to the registered instance of MyGameScene