
data class LDtkEnumDefinition(val externalFileChecksum: String? = null, val externalRelPath: String? = null, val iconTilesetUid: Int? = null, val identifier: String, val uid: Int, val values: List<LDtkEnumValueDefinition>, val tags: List<String> = emptyList())


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fun LDtkEnumDefinition(externalFileChecksum: String? = null, externalRelPath: String? = null, iconTilesetUid: Int? = null, identifier: String, uid: Int, values: List<LDtkEnumValueDefinition>, tags: List<String> = emptyList())


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val externalRelPath: String? = null

Relative path to the external file providing this Enum

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val iconTilesetUid: Int? = null

Tileset UID if provided

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Unique String identifier

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A list of user-defined tags to organize the Enums

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val uid: Int

Unique Int identifier

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All possible enum values, with their optional Tile infos.