Package-level declarations


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data class DefaultOverrideInfo(val id: String, val params: List<MultiAssociatedValue>)
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data class Definitions(val entities: List<LDtkEntityDefinition>, val enums: List<LDtkEnumDefinition>, val externalEnums: List<LDtkEnumDefinition>, val layers: List<LDtkLayerDefinition>, val levelFields: List<LDtkFieldDefinition>, val tilesets: List<LDtkTilesetDefinition>)

A structure containing all the definitions of this project

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enum LDtkBgPos : Enum<LDtkBgPos>
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data class LDtkEntityDefinition(val color: String, val fieldDefs: List<LDtkFieldDefinition>, val fillOpacity: Float, val height: Int, val hollow: Boolean, val identifier: String, val keepAspectRatio: Boolean, val lineOpacity: Float, val maxCount: Int, val pivotX: Float, val pivotY: Float, val resizableX: Boolean, val resizableY: Boolean, val showName: Boolean, val tags: List<String>, val tileID: Int? = null, val tilesetID: Int? = null, val uid: Int, val width: Int, val tileRect: LDtkTileRect? = null)
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data class LDtkEntityInstance(val grid: List<Int>, val identifier: String, val pivot: List<Float>, val tile: LDtkTileRect? = null, val defUid: Int, val fieldInstances: List<LDtkFieldInstance>, val height: Int, val px: List<Int>, val width: Int, val tags: List<String> = emptyList(), val iid: String = "")
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data class LDtkEnumDefinition(val externalFileChecksum: String? = null, val externalRelPath: String? = null, val iconTilesetUid: Int? = null, val identifier: String, val uid: Int, val values: List<LDtkEnumValueDefinition>, val tags: List<String> = emptyList())
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data class LDtkEnumValueDefinition(val tileSrcRect: List<Int>?, val id: String, val tileID: Int? = null, val color: Int)
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data class LDtkFieldDefinition(val type: String, val acceptFileTypes: List<String>? = null, val arrayMaxLength: Int? = null, val arrayMinLength: Int? = null, val canBeNull: Boolean, val defaultOverride: DefaultOverrideInfo? = null, val identifier: String, val isArray: Boolean, val max: Float? = null, val min: Float? = null, val regex: String? = null, val uid: Int)

This section is mostly only intended for the LDtk editor app itself. You can safely ignore it.

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data class LDtkFieldInstance(val identifier: String, val type: String, val value: MultiAssociatedValue?, val defUid: Int, val tile: LDtkTileRect? = null)
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data class LDtkIntGridValueDefinition(val color: String, val identifier: String? = null, val value: Int)

IntGrid value definition

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data class LDtkIntGridValueInstance(val coordID: Int, val v: Int)

IntGrid value instance

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data class LDtkLayerDefinition(val type: String, val autoRuleGroups: JsonArray, val autoSourceLayerDefUid: Int? = null, val autoTilesetDefUid: Int? = null, val displayOpacity: Float, val excludedTags: List<String>, val gridSize: Int, val identifier: String, val intGridValues: List<LDtkIntGridValueDefinition>, val pxOffsetX: Int, val pxOffsetY: Int, val requiredTags: List<String>, val tilePivotX: Float, val tilePivotY: Float, val tilesetDefUid: Int? = null, val layerDefinitionType: LDtkLayerType, val uid: Int, val parallaxFactorX: Float = 0.0f, val parallaxFactorY: Float = 0.0f, val parallaxScaling: Boolean = false)
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data class LDtkLayerInstance(val cHei: Int, val cWid: Int, val gridSize: Int, val identifier: String, val opacity: Float, val pxTotalOffsetX: Int, val pxTotalOffsetY: Int, val tilesetDefUid: Int? = null, val tilesetRelPath: String? = null, val type: String, val autoLayerTiles: List<LDtkTileInstance>, val entityInstances: List<LDtkEntityInstance>, val gridTiles: List<LDtkTileInstance>, val intGrid: List<LDtkIntGridValueInstance>? = null, val intGridCSV: List<Int>?, val layerDefUid: Int, val levelID: Int, val overrideTilesetUid: Int? = null, val pxOffsetX: Int, val pxOffsetY: Int, val seed: Int, val visible: Boolean, val iid: String = "")
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enum LDtkLayerType : Enum<LDtkLayerType>

Type of the layer as enum possible values: IntGrid, Entities, Tiles, AutoLayer

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data class LDtkLevelBackgroundPositionData(val cropRect: List<Float>, val scale: List<Float>, val topLeftPx: List<Int>)

Level background image position info

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data class LDtkLevelDefinition(val bgColor: String, val bgPos: LDtkLevelBackgroundPositionData? = null, val neighbours: List<LDtkNeighbourLevelData>?, val levelBgColor: String? = null, val bgPivotX: Float, val bgPivotY: Float, val levelBgPos: LDtkBgPos? = null, val bgRelPath: String? = null, val externalRelPath: String? = null, val fieldInstances: List<LDtkFieldInstance>, val identifier: String, val layerInstances: List<LDtkLayerInstance>? = null, val pxHei: Int, val pxWid: Int, val uid: Int, val worldX: Int, val worldY: Int, val iid: String = "", val worldDepth: Int = 0)

This section contains all the level data. It can be found in 2 distinct forms, depending on Project current settings: - If "Separate level files" is disabled (default): full level data is embedded inside the main Project JSON file, - If "Separate level files" is enabled: level data is stored in separate standalone .ldtkl files (one per level). In this case, the main Project JSON file will still contain most level data, except heavy sections, like the layerInstances array (which will be null). The externalRelPath string points to the ldtkl file. A ldtkl file is just a JSON file containing exactly what is described below.

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data class LDtkMapData(val bgColor: String, val defaultGridSize: Int, val defaultLevelBgColor: String, val defaultLevelHeight: Int, val defaultLevelWidth: Int, val defaultPivotX: Float, val defaultPivotY: Float, val defs: Definitions, val exportTiled: Boolean, val externalLevels: Boolean, val jsonVersion: String, val levelDefinitions: List<LDtkLevelDefinition>, val minifyJSON: Boolean, val nextUid: Int, val pngFilePattern: String? = null, val worldGridHeight: Int? = null, val worldGridWidth: Int? = null, val worldLayout: LDtkWorldLayout? = null, val worlds: List<LDtkWorldData> = emptyList())

This file is a JSON schema of files created by LDtk level editor (

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class LDtkMapLoader(root: VfsFile, mapData: LDtkMapData, atlas: TextureAtlas? = null, tilesetBorder: Int = 2) : Disposable
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data class LDtkNeighbourLevelData(val dir: String, val levelIid: String = "", val levelUid: Int = 0)

Nearby level info

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data class LDtkTileInstance(val d: List<Int>, val f: Int, val px: List<Int>, val src: List<Int>, val t: Int)

This structure represents a single tile from a given Tileset.

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data class LDtkTileRect(val srcRect: List<Int> = emptyList(), val tilesetUid: Int, val h: Int = 0, val w: Int = 0, val x: Int = 0, val y: Int = 0)

Tile data in an Entity instance

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data class LDtkTilesetDefinition(val identifier: String, val padding: Int, val pxHei: Int, val pxWid: Int, val relPath: String, val spacing: Int, val tileGridSize: Int, val uid: Int, val embedAtlas: String? = null)

The Tileset definition is the most important part among project definitions. It contains some extra info about each integrated tileset. If you only had to parse one definition section, that would be the one.

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data class LDtkWorldData(val identifier: String, val iid: String = "", val levelDefinitions: List<LDtkLevelDefinition>, val worldGridHeight: Int, val worldGridWidth: Int, val worldLayout: LDtkWorldLayout)
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enum LDtkWorldLayout : Enum<LDtkWorldLayout>

An enum that describes how levels are organized in this project (ie. linearly or in a 2D space). Possible values: Free, GridVania, LinearHorizontal, LinearVertical

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data class MultiAssociatedValue(val stringList: List<String>? = null, val stringMapList: List<Map<String, String>>? = null, val stringMap: Map<String, String>? = null, val content: String? = null)