Package-level declarations


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class MimeType(val mime: String, val exts: List<String>)
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interface Path
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value class PathInfo(val fullPath: String)
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data class VfsFile(val vfs: Vfs, val path: String) : VfsNamed

A virtual file or directory on a file system.

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open class VfsNamed(val pathInfo: PathInfo) : Path


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/path\to/file.1.ext -> file.1.newext

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/path\to/file.ext -> /path\to/file.newext

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/path\to/file.1.ext -> listOf("", "path", "to", "file.1.ext")

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/path\to/file.1.ext -> listOf("/path", "/path/to", "/path/to/file.1.ext")

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Loads a TextureAtlas from the given path. Currently, supports only JSON atlas files.

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actual suspend fun VfsFile.readAudioClip(): AudioClip

Loads audio from the path as an AudioClip.

expect suspend fun VfsFile.readAudioClip(): AudioClip

Loads audio from the path as an AudioClip.

actual suspend fun VfsFile.readAudioClip(): AudioClip

Loads audio from the path as an AudioClip.

actual suspend fun VfsFile.readAudioClip(): AudioClip

Loads audio from the path as an AudioClip.

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actual suspend fun VfsFile.readAudioStream(): AudioStream

Streams audio from the path as an AudioStream.

expect suspend fun VfsFile.readAudioStream(): AudioStream

Streams audio from the path as an AudioStream.

actual suspend fun VfsFile.readAudioStream(): AudioStream

Streams audio from the path as an AudioStream.

actual suspend fun VfsFile.readAudioStream(): AudioStream

Streams audio from the path as an AudioStream.

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suspend fun VfsFile.readBitmapFont(filter: TexMagFilter = TexMagFilter.NEAREST, mipmaps: Boolean = true, preloadedTextures: List<TextureSlice> = listOf()): BitmapFont

Reads a bitmap font.

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suspend fun VfsFile.readGltfModel(loadTexturesAsynchronously: Boolean = false): Model

Loads a glTF / glb model from the path and converts it to a Model.

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suspend fun VfsFile.readLDtkMapLoader(atlas: TextureAtlas? = null, tilesetBorder: Int = 2): LDtkMapLoader

Reads the VfsFile as a LDtkMapLoader. This will read the LDtk file and create a loader to allow flexible loading of LDtkWorld or LDtkLevel. This loader should be cached and reused when loading separate levels.

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actual suspend fun VfsFile.readPixmap(): Pixmap
expect suspend fun VfsFile.readPixmap(): Pixmap

Loads an image from the path as a Pixmap.

actual suspend fun VfsFile.readPixmap(): Pixmap

Loads an image from the path as a Pixmap.

actual suspend fun VfsFile.readPixmap(): Pixmap
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actual suspend fun VfsFile.readTexture(minFilter: TexMinFilter, magFilter: TexMagFilter, mipmaps: Boolean): Texture

Loads an image from the path as a Texture. This will call Texture.prepare before returning!

expect suspend fun VfsFile.readTexture(minFilter: TexMinFilter = TexMinFilter.NEAREST, magFilter: TexMagFilter = TexMagFilter.NEAREST, mipmaps: Boolean = true): Texture

Loads an image from the path as a Texture. This will call Texture.prepare before returning!

actual suspend fun VfsFile.readTexture(minFilter: TexMinFilter, magFilter: TexMagFilter, mipmaps: Boolean): Texture

Loads an image from the path as a Texture. This will call Texture.prepare before returning!

actual suspend fun VfsFile.readTexture(minFilter: TexMinFilter, magFilter: TexMagFilter, mipmaps: Boolean): Texture

Loads an image from the path as a Texture. This will call Texture.prepare before returning!

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suspend fun VfsFile.readTiledMap(atlas: TextureAtlas? = null, tilesetBorder: Int = 2, mipmaps: Boolean = true): TiledMap

Reads the VfsFile as a TiledMap. Any loaders and assets will be cached for reuse/reloading.

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suspend fun VfsFile.readTtfFont(chars: String = CharacterSets.LATIN_ALL): TtfFont
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actual suspend fun VfsFile.writePixmap(pixmap: Pixmap)
expect suspend fun VfsFile.writePixmap(pixmap: Pixmap)

Write pixmap to disk.

actual suspend fun VfsFile.writePixmap(pixmap: Pixmap)
actual suspend fun VfsFile.writePixmap(pixmap: Pixmap)


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/path\to/file.ext -> file.ext

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/path\to/file.1.EXT -> 1.EXT

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/path\to/file.1.EXT -> 1.ext

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/path\to/file.1.EXT -> EXT

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/path\to/file.1.EXT -> ext

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/path\to/file.ext -> /path\to

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/path\to/file.ext -> /path/to/

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/path\to/file.1.ext -> /path\to/file.1.ext

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/path\to/file.1.ext -> /path\to/file.1

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/path\to/file.ext -> /path/to/file.ext

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/path\to/file.ext -> /path\to/file

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/path\to/file.1.jpg -> MimeType("image/jpeg", listOf("jpg", "jpeg"))

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/path\to/file.ext -> /path\to

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