
Holds all the TextureSlice entries of the atlas that was read and loaded in.


Colton Daily


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fun TextureAtlas(textures: Map<String, Texture>)


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inner class Entry

Contains the name,TextureSlice, and the Texture for this entry of the atlas.


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open override fun dispose()
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operator fun get(name: String): TextureAtlas.Entry
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All the entries in this TextureAtlas.

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Combine a TextureSlice with a TextureAtlas into a new TextureAtlas.

fun TextureAtlas.combine(texture: Texture, name: String, context: Context): TextureAtlas

Combine a Texture with a TextureAtlas into a new TextureAtlas.

Combine another TextureAtlas with the current atlas to create a new TextureAtlas.

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Create an animation from a prefix of the names of the sprites in a TextureAtlas using an AnimationBuilder to specify the frame index orders and times.

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fun TextureAtlas.getAnimation(prefix: String = "", defaultTimePerFrame: Duration = 100.milliseconds): Animation<TextureSlice>

Creates an animation from a prefix based on the names of the sprites in a TextureAtlas.