
class Pixmap(val width: Int, val height: Int, val pixels: ByteBuffer = createByteBuffer(width * height * 4))


Colton Daily


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fun Pixmap(width: Int, height: Int, pixels: ByteBuffer = createByteBuffer(width * height * 4))


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fun blend(src: Int, dst: Int): Int
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fun contains(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean
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fun copyTo(srcX: Int, srcY: Int, dst: Pixmap, dstX: Int, dstY: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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fun draw(pixmap: Pixmap, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0, srcX: Int = 0, srcY: Int = 0, srcWidth: Int = pixmap.width, srcHeight: Int = pixmap.height, dstWidth: Int = srcWidth, dstHeight: Int = srcHeight, filtering: Boolean = false, blending: Boolean = false)
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fun drawLine(x: Int, y: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int, color: Int)
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fun drawSlice(x: Int, y: Int, slice: TextureSlice, border: Int = 0)
fun drawSlice(x: Int, y: Int, src: Pixmap, sliceX: Int, sliceY: Int, sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int, border: Int = 0)
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fun fill(color: Color)
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fun get(x: Int, y: Int, force: Boolean = false): Int
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fun hline(x1: Int, x2: Int, y: Int, color: Int)
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fun set(x: Int, y: Int, color: Int, force: Boolean = false)
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open override fun toString(): String
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fun vline(y1: Int, y2: Int, x: Int, color: Int)


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val height: Int
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val width: Int


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fun Pixmap.addBorderToSlices(context: Context, sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int, border: Int = 1, mipmaps: Boolean = false): Texture

Slice up the pixmap with the given size with an added border but returns the newly created Texture. This can be used to prevent atlas bleeding.

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fun Pixmap.slice(sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int): Array<Array<PixmapSlice>>
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fun Pixmap.sliceWithBorder(context: Context, sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int, border: Int = 1, mipmaps: Boolean = false): List<TextureSlice>

Slice up the texture in a list of TextureSlice with the given size with an added border. This can be used to prevent atlas bleeding.