WebGPU Profiling

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App Stats

We can view app-related stats by accessing the Context.stats property. By default, this tracks the app run time, the last delta time, the total rendered frames, the current fps (averaged over the last 25 frames), and WebGPU-related stats referred to as engine stats.

Engine Stats

Engine stats tracks WebGPU related stats. This is enabled by default. The list of stats tracked are as follows:

  • bufferAllocations: All the buffer allocations and their size.
  • textureAllocations: All the texture allocations and their size.
  • totalBufferSize: The total size of all buffers
  • totalTextureSize: The total size of all textures
  • triangles: the estimated amount of triangles currently rendered
  • textureBindings: the total textures bound
  • drawCalls: the total amount of draw related calls invoked

Tracking Custom Engine Stats

We can track custom stats, such as the way SpriteBatch tracks quads, in our code.

EngineStats.extra("My Stat", 1) // increases the "My Stat" by 1.

Outputting Stats to the Console

Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about formatting all these stats to render to the console. By default, AppStats.toString() handles this formatting already. All we have to do is just add it to our logger message and it will output in a nicely formatted way. Any “extra” stats are also outputted.

onUpdate { dt ->
    if (input.isKeyJustPressed(Key.P)) {
        logger.info { stats }
[12:18:49.778] - [Thread: 1] - [JVM - UI Test]:
***************** APP STATS *****************
FPS(last 25 frames): 182.8
Run time : 2s
Draw calls: 2
~Triangles: 270
Buffers: 6 with memory usage of 0.0M
Textures: 2 with memory usage of 5.0M
SpriteBatch Quads: 135 [Extra]
****************** END APP STATS *************