Texture Packer

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LittleKt comes with its own version of packing textures into an atlas. It even comes with a handy gradle plugin if needed. It is located in the tools/ module and is only available on the JVM platform.

Simple usage by code:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val packer = TexturePacker(TexturePackerConfig().apply {
        inputDir = "./art/export_tiles/raw"
        outputDir = "./art/output_atlas"
        outputName = "tile.atlas"
        // or set texture packer options

        packingOptions = PackingOptions().apply {
            outputPagesAsPowerOfTwo = false
            allowRotation = true
            // or set other packing options
    packer.process() // processes the image files
    packer.pack() // packs and exports them

Gradle Plugin

Instead of needing to call it in in code or needing to build a custom gradle script, we can easily just add the texture packer plugin to our build script, set any configuration, and kick it off.


// we need to add the gradle plugin to our class path first
buildscript {
    val littleKtVersion: String by project
    repositories {
        mavenCentral() // if we are targeting release
        maven(url = "https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/") // if we are targgetting snapshots
    dependencies {

plugins {
    id("com.lehaine.littlekt.gradle.texturepacker") version "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Add the maven repository to the plguinManagement block.


pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        gradlePluginPortal() // needed for other kotlin plugins that may be in use
        mavenCentral() // if we are targeting release
        maven(url = "https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/") // if we are targgetting snapshots

That is the bare minimum. It will use the default configurations when packing. If we want to set our own we can adjust them under the littleKt block in the same file:


littleKt {
    texturePacker {
        inputDir = "art/export_tiles/"
        outputDir = "src/commonMain/resources/"
        outputName = "tiles.atlas"

        packing {
            allowRotation = true