Package-level declarations


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expect class AsyncExecutor(maxConcurrent: Int) : Disposable
actual class AsyncExecutor(val maxConcurrent: Int) : Disposable
actual class AsyncExecutor(val maxConcurrent: Int) : Disposable
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expect class AsyncResult<T>
actual class AsyncResult<T>
actual class AsyncResult<T>
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class AsyncThreadDispatcher(val executor: AsyncExecutor, val threads: Int = -1) : CoroutineDispatcher, KtDispatcher, Disposable

A CoroutineDispatcher that wraps around an AsyncExecutor instance (executor) to execute tasks asynchronously.

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interface KtDispatcher : CoroutineContext, Delay

The base interface of CoroutineContext for dispatchers.

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object KtScope : CoroutineScope

The main LittleKt coroutine scope. Executes tasks on the main rendering thread. See MainDispatcher

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Executes tasks on the main rendering threads. See RenderingThreadDispatcher

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sealed class RenderingThreadDispatcher : MainCoroutineDispatcher, KtDispatcher

A CoroutineDispatcher that wraps around a Context to execute tasks on main rendering thread.


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expect fun CoroutineScope.isOnRenderingThread(): Boolean

Returns true if the coroutine was launched from the rendering thread dispatcher.

actual fun CoroutineScope.isOnRenderingThread(): Boolean
actual fun CoroutineScope.isOnRenderingThread(): Boolean
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Creates a new AsyncThreadDispatcher wrapping around an AsyncExecutor with the chosen amount of threads to execute tasks asynchronously outside of the main rendering thread.

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Creates a new AsyncThreadDispatcher wrapping around an AsyncExecutor with a single thread to execute tasks asynchronously outside of the main rendering thread.

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suspend fun <T> onRenderingThread(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T

Suspends the coroutine to execute the defined block on the main rendering thread and return its result.


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val Dispatchers.KT: MainDispatcher

THe main LittleKt coroutine dispatcher. Executes tasks on the main rendering thread. See MainDispatcher