

Colton Daily


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fun VectorFont(font: TtfFont)


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data class Text(var text: String = "", var pxScale: Int = 16, var color: Color = Color.BLACK)
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data class TextBlock(var x: Float = 0.0f, var y: Float = 0.0f, val text: MutableList<VectorFont.Text> = mutableListOf())


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fun flush(viewProjection: Mat4)

Renders the text to a stencil buffer in order to flip the pixels the correct way and then renders to the color buffer. This does not use any antialiasing. The color of the text passed in queue will be rendered.

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open override fun prepare(context: Context)

Prepares/builds this object to be used by GL. Do any generating, uploading, etc of data here Only needs to be called ONCE per object!!

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Queue a TextBlock to render.

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fun resize(width: Int, height: Int, context: Context)

Resizes the internal frame buffer.


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open override val prepared: Boolean