
data class LDtkMapData(val bgColor: String, val defaultGridSize: Int, val defaultLevelBgColor: String, val defaultLevelHeight: Int, val defaultLevelWidth: Int, val defaultPivotX: Float, val defaultPivotY: Float, val defs: Definitions, val exportTiled: Boolean, val externalLevels: Boolean, val jsonVersion: String, val levelDefinitions: List<LDtkLevelDefinition>, val minifyJSON: Boolean, val nextUid: Int, val pngFilePattern: String? = null, val worldGridHeight: Int? = null, val worldGridWidth: Int? = null, val worldLayout: LDtkWorldLayout? = null, val worlds: List<LDtkWorldData> = emptyList())

This file is a JSON schema of files created by LDtk level editor (https://ldtk.io).

This is the root of any Project JSON file. It contains: - the project settings, - an array of levels, - and a definition object (that can probably be safely ignored for most users).


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fun LDtkMapData(bgColor: String, defaultGridSize: Int, defaultLevelBgColor: String, defaultLevelHeight: Int, defaultLevelWidth: Int, defaultPivotX: Float, defaultPivotY: Float, defs: Definitions, exportTiled: Boolean, externalLevels: Boolean, jsonVersion: String, levelDefinitions: List<LDtkLevelDefinition>, minifyJSON: Boolean, nextUid: Int, pngFilePattern: String? = null, worldGridHeight: Int? = null, worldGridWidth: Int? = null, worldLayout: LDtkWorldLayout? = null, worlds: List<LDtkWorldData> = emptyList())


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Project background color

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Default grid size for new layers

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Default background color of levels

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Default new level height

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Default new level width

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Default X pivot (0 to 1) for new entities

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Default Y pivot (0 to 1) for new entities

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A structure containing all the definitions of this project

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If TRUE, a Tiled compatible file will also be generated along with the LDtk JSON file (default is FALSE)

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If TRUE, one file will be saved for the project (incl. all its definitions) and one file in a sub-folder for each level.

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File format version

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All levels. The order of this array is only relevant in LinearHorizontal and linearVertical world layouts (see worldLayout value). Otherwise, you should refer to the worldX,worldY coordinates of each Level.

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If TRUE, the Json is partially minified (no indentation, nor line breaks, default is FALSE)

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Next Unique integer ID available

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val pngFilePattern: String? = null

File naming pattern for exported PNGs

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val worldGridHeight: Int? = null

Height of the world grid in pixels.

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val worldGridWidth: Int? = null

Width of the world grid in pixels.

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An enum that describes how levels are organized in this project (ie. linearly or in a 2D space). Possible values: null, Free, GridVania, LinearHorizontal, LinearVertical

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This list isn't used yet in LDtk (so for now it's always empty).