
open class FontCache(val pages: Int = 1)

Caches glyph geometry to provide a fast way to render static textures without having recompute the glyph each time. This is a base class and can be extended to add additional functionality to specific fonts.


Colton Daily

See also


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fun FontCache(pages: Int = 1)


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object Companion


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fun addText(font: Font, text: CharSequence, x: Float, y: Float, scaleX: Float = 1.0f, scaleY: Float = 1.0f, rotation: Angle = Angle.ZERO, color: Color = Color.WHITE, targetWidth: Float = 0.0f, align: HAlign = HAlign.LEFT, wrap: Boolean = false, truncate: String? = null)

Adds new glyphs of the specified string of text on top of any existing glyphs.

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fun clear()

Clears any existing glyphs from the cache.

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fun draw(batch: Batch, textures: List<Texture>)

Draws the text using the specified batch and list of textures. The textures list size must be >= pages

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fun setPosition(px: Float, py: Float)

Sets the position of the text.

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fun setText(layout: GlyphLayout, x: Float, y: Float, scaleX: Float = 1.0f, scaleY: Float = 1.0f, rotation: Angle = Angle.ZERO, color: Color = Color.WHITE)

Clears any existing glyphs of previous text and uses layout to compile the glyphs to cache.

fun setText(font: Font, text: CharSequence, x: Float, y: Float, scaleX: Float = 1.0f, scaleY: Float = 1.0f, rotation: Angle = Angle.ZERO, color: Color = Color.WHITE, targetWidth: Float = 0.0f, align: HAlign = HAlign.LEFT, wrap: Boolean = false, truncate: String? = null)

Clears any existing glyphs of previous text and adds the new glyphs of the specified string of text.

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fun tint(tint: Color)

Tints the existing text in the cache.

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fun translate(tx: Float, ty: Float)

Moves the position of the text by the specified amount.


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val pages: Int = 1


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