Sets the parent of the child to this Node sets it at the specified index.
Sets the parent of the children to this Node.
Remove the Node from the SceneGraph and destroys all children.
Removes & destroys all children nodes.
Sets the position of the Node3D in global space.
Rotates in 'global' coordinates.
Sets the rotation of the Node3D in global space to the given Quaternion.
Scales up or down by a factor in 'global' coordinates.
Sets the global scale of the Node3D.
Translates the position by the offset vector in global
Determines if this Node contains any children.
Removes the node if this node is its parent.
Removes the child at the specified index.
Sends the child node at the specified index to the bottom of this list which will be rendered on top.
Sends the child node at the specified index to the top of this list which will be rendered behind.
Sends the child node to the bottom of this list which will be rendered on top.
Sends the child node to the top of this list which will be rendered behind.
Swaps the two children positions within the parents list
Swaps children positions at the specified indices.
Transforms vec in-place from local to global coordinates.
Transforms vec in-place from global to local coordinates.
The CanvasLayer that this Node belongs to. The closest parent CanvasLayer will be selected. If none are found, the scene root viewport will be used.
Attempts to grab the SceneGraph.fixedProgressionRatio. Defaults to 1
if not.
The global scale of the Node3D. If you want to set the x,y properties of this Vec3f then use the globalScaleX, globalScaleY, globalScaleZ properties of this Node3D.
Global transform. Product of _transform and the _transform of the parent Node3D.
List of 'addedToScene' callbacks called when onAddedToScene is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'destroy' callbacks called when destroy is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'onDisabled' callbacks called when onDisabled is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'onEnabled' callbacks called when onEnabled is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'fixed-update' callbacks called when fixedUpdate is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'input' callbacks called when input is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'post-update' callbacks called when postUpdate is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'pre-update' callbacks called when preUpdate is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'ready' callbacks called when ready is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'removedFromScene' callbacks called when onRemovedFromScene is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'resize' callbacks called when resize is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'unhandledInput' callbacks called when unhandledInput is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
List of 'update' callbacks called when update is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.
Pixels per unit. Mainly used when rendering a Node. This is based off of the SceneGraph.ppu.
Adds a CanvasLayer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a CenterContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a VBoxContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a DirectionalLight to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a FrameBufferContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a HBoxContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a HScrollBar to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a NinePatchRect to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a PaddedContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a PanelContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a ProgressBar to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a HBoxContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a ScrollContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a TextureProgress to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a TextureRect to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a VBoxContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a ViewportCanvasLayer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback
Adds a VScrollBar to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback