
open class LDtkLayer(val identifier: String, val iid: String, val type: LayerType, val cellSize: Int, val gridWidth: Int, val gridHeight: Int, val pxTotalOffsetX: Int, val pxTotalOffsetY: Int, val opacity: Float) : TileLayer


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fun LDtkLayer(identifier: String, iid: String, type: LayerType, cellSize: Int, gridWidth: Int, gridHeight: Int, pxTotalOffsetX: Int, pxTotalOffsetY: Int, opacity: Float)


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fun getCellX(coordId: Int): Int
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fun getCellY(coordId: Int): Int
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fun getCoordId(cx: Int, cy: Int): Int
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fun isCoordValid(cx: Int, cy: Int): Boolean
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open override fun render(batch: Batch, viewBounds: Rect, x: Float, y: Float, scale: Float)
fun render(batch: Batch, camera: Camera, x: Float, y: Float, scale: Float = 1.0f)
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open override fun toString(): String


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Grid size in pixels

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Grid-based layer height

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Grid-based layer width

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val iid: String
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Layer opacity (0-1)

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Pixel-based layer X offset (includes both instance and definition offsets)

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Pixel-based layer Y offset (includes both instance and definition offsets)

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