Package-level declarations


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class AnimatedSprite(var slice: TextureSlice = Textures.white, var anchorX: Float = 0.0f, var anchorY: Float = 0.0f) : AnimationPlayer<TextureSlice>
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class Animation<KeyFrameType>(val frames: List<KeyFrameType>, val frameIndices: List<Int>, val frameTimes: List<Duration>)

Animation based class that holds info on what frames to be animating. Recommended to be used with AnimationPlayer to assist in playing back the frames.

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class AnimationBuilder<T>(frames: List<T>)

An Animation builder to help create custom animations easily.

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Enables playback of Animation classes.

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The playback types of animation.

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interface Batch : Disposable
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class NinePatch(slice: TextureSlice, val left: Int, val right: Int, val top: Int, val bottom: Int)

Creates a ninepatch by slicing up the TextureSlice into nine patches which produces clean panels of any size, based on a small texture by splitting it into a 3x3 grid. The drawn, the texture tiles the textures sides horizontally or vertically and the center on both axes but doesn't scale or tile the corners.

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class Particle(var slice: TextureSlice)
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class ParticleSimulator(maxParticles: Int)
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class SpriteBatch(val context: Context, val size: Int = 8191) : Batch

Draws batched quads using indices.

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class TextureArraySpriteBatch(val context: Context, val size: Int = 1000, maxTextureSlots: Int, maxTextureWidth: Int, maxTextureHeight: Int, textureArrayMagFilter: TexMagFilter = TexMagFilter.NEAREST, textureArrayMinFilter: TexMinFilter = TexMinFilter.NEAREST) : Batch

Requires GLES 3.0!

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Holds all the TextureSlice entries of the atlas that was read and loaded in.

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open class TextureSlice(var texture: Texture, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0, width: Int = texture.width, height: Int = texture.height)


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Create an animation from a prefix of the names of the sprites in a TextureAtlas using an AnimationBuilder to specify the frame index orders and times.

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fun TextureAtlas.getAnimation(prefix: String = "", defaultTimePerFrame: Duration = 100.milliseconds): Animation<TextureSlice>

Creates an animation from a prefix based on the names of the sprites in a TextureAtlas.

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inline fun <T : Batch> T.use(projectionMatrix: Mat4? = null, action: (T) -> Unit)