
open class Node : Comparable<Node>

The base node class that all other node's inherit from.


Colton Daily


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fun Node()


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object Companion


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fun addChild(child: Node): Node

Sets the parent of the child to this Node.

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fun addChildAt(child: Node, index: Int): Node

Sets the parent of the child to this Node sets it at the specified index.

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fun addChildren(vararg children: Node): Node

Sets the parent of the children to this Node.

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open fun callInput(event: InputEvent<*>)
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open fun callUnhandledInput(event: InputEvent<*>)
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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Node): Int

Compares Node by depth and position at each depth.

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fun destroy()

Remove the Node from the SceneGraph and destroys all children.

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Removes & destroys all children nodes.

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fun enabled(value: Boolean): Node

Enables/disables the Node. When disabled colliders are removed from the Physics system and will not be called.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Determines if this Node has zero children nodes.

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Determines if this Node contains any children.

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operator fun minusAssign(child: Node)
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fun moveChild(child: Node, index: Int): Node

Moves a child node to the specified index.

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open fun onDescendantAdded(child: Node)
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open fun onDescendantRemoved(child: Node)
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open fun onDestroy()

Called when destroy is invoked and all of its children have been destroyed.

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open fun parent(parent: Node?): Node

Sets the parent Node of this Node.

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operator fun plusAssign(child: Node)
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open fun propagateHit(hx: Float, hy: Float): Control?
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open fun propagateInput(event: InputEvent<*>): Boolean
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open fun propagateInternalDebugRender(    batch: Batch,     camera: Camera,     camera3d: Camera,     shapeRenderer: ShapeRenderer,     renderCallback: (Node, Batch, Camera, Camera, ShapeRenderer) -> Unit?)
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open fun propagateInternalRender(    batch: Batch,     camera: Camera,     camera3d: Camera,     shapeRenderer: ShapeRenderer,     renderCallback: (Node, Batch, Camera, Camera, ShapeRenderer) -> Unit?)
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fun propagateResize(width: Int, height: Int, center: Boolean)
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fun removeChild(child: Node): Node

Removes the node if this node is its parent.

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Removes the child at the specified index.

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Sends the child node at the specified index to the bottom of this list which will be rendered on top.

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Sends the child node at the specified index to the top of this list which will be rendered behind.

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Sends the child node to the bottom of this list which will be rendered on top.

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fun sendChildToTop(child: Node): Node

Sends the child node to the top of this list which will be rendered behind.

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fun swapChildren(child: Node, child2: Node): Node

Swaps the two children positions within the parents list

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fun swapChildrenAt(idx: Int, idx2: Int): Node

Swaps children positions at the specified indices.

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open override fun toString(): String
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var canvas: CanvasLayer? = null

The CanvasLayer that this Node belongs to. The closest parent CanvasLayer will be selected. If none are found, the scene root viewport will be used.

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The current child count for this Node. Alias for NodeList.size.

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The children of this Node. Alias for nodes.

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Enables/disables the node.

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Attempts to grab the SceneGraph.fixedProgressionRatio. Defaults to 1 if not.

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val id: Int

Unique identifier for this node.

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val index: Int

The index of this Node as a child in it's parent.

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Check if this Node is in a SceneGraph

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If destroy was called, this will be true until the next time node's are processed.

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Node name. useful for doing scene-wide searches for an node

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The list of Nodes in this scene.

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List of 'addedToScene' callbacks called when onAddedToScene is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'destroy' callbacks called when destroy is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'onDisabled' callbacks called when onDisabled is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'onEnabled' callbacks called when onEnabled is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'fixed-update' callbacks called when fixedUpdate is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'input' callbacks called when input is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'post-update' callbacks called when postUpdate is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'pre-update' callbacks called when preUpdate is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'ready' callbacks called when ready is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'removedFromScene' callbacks called when onRemovedFromScene is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'resize' callbacks called when resize is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'unhandledInput' callbacks called when unhandledInput is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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List of 'update' callbacks called when update is called. Add any additional callbacks directly to this list. The main use is to add callbacks directly to nodes inline when building a SceneGraph vs having to extend a class directly.

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var parent: Node?

The parent Node, if any.

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val ppu: Float

Pixels per unit. Mainly used when rendering a Node. This is based off of the SceneGraph.ppu.

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The inverse of ppu. This is based off the SceneGraph.ppuInv.

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var scene: SceneGraph<*>?

The scene this node belongs to.

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Specifies how often this node's update method should be called. 1 means every frame, 2 is every other, etc


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inline fun Node.button(callback: Button.() -> Unit = {}): Button

Adds a Button to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.camera2d(callback: Camera2D.() -> Unit = {}): Camera2D

Adds a Camera2D to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.camera3d(callback: Camera3D.() -> Unit = {}): Camera3D

Adds a Camera3D to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.canvasLayer(callback: CanvasLayer.() -> Unit = {}): CanvasLayer

Adds a CanvasLayer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.centerContainer(callback: CenterContainer.() -> Unit = {}): CenterContainer

Adds a CenterContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.column(callback: VBoxContainer.() -> Unit = {}): VBoxContainer

Adds a VBoxContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.container(callback: Container.() -> Unit = {}): Container

Adds a Container to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.control(callback: Control.() -> Unit = {}): Control

Adds a Control to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.directionalLight(callback: DirectionalLight.() -> Unit = {}): DirectionalLight

Adds a DirectionalLight to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun <T : Node> Node.findFirstNodeOfType(): T?
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inline fun Node.frameBuffer(callback: FrameBufferNode.() -> Unit = {}): FrameBufferNode
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Adds a FrameBufferContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.hBoxContainer(callback: HBoxContainer.() -> Unit = {}): HBoxContainer

Adds a HBoxContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.hScrollBar(callback: HScrollBar.() -> Unit = {}): HScrollBar

Adds a HScrollBar to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.label(callback: Label.() -> Unit = {}): Label

Adds a Label to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.lineEdit(callback: LineEdit.() -> Unit = {}): LineEdit

Adds a LineEdit to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.meshNode(callback: MeshNode.() -> Unit = {}): MeshNode

Adds a MeshNode to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.ninePatchRect(callback: NinePatchRect.() -> Unit = {}): NinePatchRect

Adds a NinePatchRect to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.node(callback: Node.() -> Unit = {}): Node

Adds a Node to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

inline fun <T : Node> Node.node(node: T, callback: T.() -> Unit = {}): T

Adds the specified Node to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback. This can be used for classes that extend node that perhaps they don't have a DSL method to initialize it.

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inline fun Node.node2d(callback: Node2D.() -> Unit = {}): Node2D

Adds a Node2D to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.node3d(callback: Node3D.() -> Unit = {}): Node3D

Adds a Node3D to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.paddedContainer(callback: PaddedContainer.() -> Unit = {}): PaddedContainer

Adds a PaddedContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.panel(callback: Panel.() -> Unit = {}): Panel

Adds a Panel to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.panelContainer(callback: PanelContainer.() -> Unit = {}): PanelContainer

Adds a PanelContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.progressBar(callback: ProgressBar.() -> Unit = {}): ProgressBar

Adds a ProgressBar to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.row(callback: HBoxContainer.() -> Unit = {}): HBoxContainer

Adds a HBoxContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.scrollContainer(callback: ScrollContainer.() -> Unit = {}): ScrollContainer

Adds a ScrollContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.textureProgress(callback: TextureProgress.() -> Unit = {}): TextureProgress

Adds a TextureProgress to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.textureRect(callback: TextureRect.() -> Unit = {}): TextureRect

Adds a TextureRect to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.vBoxContainer(callback: VBoxContainer.() -> Unit = {}): VBoxContainer

Adds a VBoxContainer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.viewport(callback: ViewportCanvasLayer.() -> Unit = {}): ViewportCanvasLayer

Adds a ViewportCanvasLayer to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun Node.vScrollBar(callback: VScrollBar.() -> Unit = {}): VScrollBar

Adds a VScrollBar to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback