
data class LDtkLayerInstance(val cHei: Int, val cWid: Int, val gridSize: Int, val identifier: String, val opacity: Float, val pxTotalOffsetX: Int, val pxTotalOffsetY: Int, val tilesetDefUid: Int? = null, val tilesetRelPath: String? = null, val type: String, val autoLayerTiles: List<LDtkTileInstance>, val entityInstances: List<LDtkEntityInstance>, val gridTiles: List<LDtkTileInstance>, val intGrid: List<LDtkIntGridValueInstance>? = null, val intGridCSV: List<Int>?, val layerDefUid: Int, val levelID: Int, val overrideTilesetUid: Int? = null, val pxOffsetX: Int, val pxOffsetY: Int, val seed: Int, val visible: Boolean, val iid: String = "")


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fun LDtkLayerInstance(cHei: Int, cWid: Int, gridSize: Int, identifier: String, opacity: Float, pxTotalOffsetX: Int, pxTotalOffsetY: Int, tilesetDefUid: Int? = null, tilesetRelPath: String? = null, type: String, autoLayerTiles: List<LDtkTileInstance>, entityInstances: List<LDtkEntityInstance>, gridTiles: List<LDtkTileInstance>, intGrid: List<LDtkIntGridValueInstance>? = null, intGridCSV: List<Int>?, layerDefUid: Int, levelID: Int, overrideTilesetUid: Int? = null, pxOffsetX: Int, pxOffsetY: Int, seed: Int, visible: Boolean, iid: String = "")


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An array containing all tiles generated by Auto-layer rules. The array is already sorted in display order (ie. 1st tile is beneath 2nd, which is beneath 3rd etc.).

Note: if multiple tiles are stacked in the same cell as the result of different rules, all tiles behind opaque ones will be discarded.

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val cHei: Int

Grid-based height

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val cWid: Int

Grid-based width

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Grid size

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Layer definition identifier

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val iid: String

Unique instance id

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WARNING: this deprecated value will be removed completely on version 0.9.0+ Replaced by: intGridCsv

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A list of all values in the IntGrid layer, stored from left to right, and top to bottom (ie. first row from left to right, followed by second row, etc). 0 means "empty cell" and IntGrid values start at 1. This array size is __cWid x __cHei cells.

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Reference the Layer definition UID

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Reference to the UID of the level containing this layer instance

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Layer opacity as Float 0-1

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val overrideTilesetUid: Int? = null

This layer can use another tileset by overriding the tileset UID here.

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X offset in pixels to render this layer, usually 0 (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the LayerDef optional offset, see __pxTotalOffsetX)

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Y offset in pixels to render this layer, usually 0 (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the LayerDef optional offset, see __pxTotalOffsetY)

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Total layer X pixel offset, including both instance and definition offsets.

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Total layer Y pixel offset, including both instance and definition offsets.

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val seed: Int

Random seed used for Auto-Layers rendering

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val tilesetDefUid: Int? = null

The definition UID of corresponding Tileset, if any.

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val tilesetRelPath: String? = null

The relative path to corresponding Tileset, if any.

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Layer type (possible values: IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer)

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Layer instance visibility