
data class LDtkEntityInstance(val grid: List<Int>, val identifier: String, val pivot: List<Float>, val tile: LDtkTileRect? = null, val defUid: Int, val fieldInstances: List<LDtkFieldInstance>, val height: Int, val px: List<Int>, val width: Int, val tags: List<String> = emptyList(), val iid: String = "")


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fun LDtkEntityInstance(grid: List<Int>, identifier: String, pivot: List<Float>, tile: LDtkTileRect? = null, defUid: Int, fieldInstances: List<LDtkFieldInstance>, height: Int, px: List<Int>, width: Int, tags: List<String> = emptyList(), iid: String = "")


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val defUid: Int

Reference of the Entity definition UID

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An array of all custom fields and their values.

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val grid: List<Int>

Grid-based coordinates ([x,y] format)

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val height: Int

Entity height in pixels. For non-resizable entities, it will be the same as Entity definition.

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Entity definition identifier

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val iid: String

Unique instance identifier

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Pivot coordinates ([x,y] format, values are from 0 to 1) of the Entity

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val px: List<Int>

Pixel coordinates ([x,y] format) in current level coordinate space. Don't forget optional layer offsets, if they exist!

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List of tags defined

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val tile: LDtkTileRect? = null

Optional Tile used to display this entity (it could either be the default Entity tile, or some tile provided by a field value, like an Enum).

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val width: Int

Entity width in pixels. For non-resizable entities, it will be the same as Entity definition.