Colton Daily
Add a InputProcessor to receive input callbacks.
Determines if all the specified keys are currently pressed.
Determines if any of the specified keys are currently pressed.
Determines if all the specified keys are NOT currently pressed.
Stops the vibrator.
Hides the on-screen keyboard. Applicable for mobile only.
Creates and adds a new InputProcessor to receive input callbacks using a InputProcessBuilder.
Determines if the key is was just pressed within the past frame.
Determines if the key was just released within the past frame.
Determines if the key is currently pressed down.
Remove a InputProcessor to from receiving input callbacks.
Shows an on-screen keyboard. Applicable for mobile only.
A list of Key types to catch to prevent calling the current platforms default functionality.
Creates a new GestureController using a GestureProcessorBuilder and calls Input.addInputProcessor when built.