Package-level declarations


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interface Clipboard
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class DoubleSignal<A, B>
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class LazyMat4(val update: (Mat4) -> Unit)
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class MutableTextureAtlas(val context: Context, options: PackingOptions = PackingOptions())

Allows building of a TextureAtlas by combining existing textures, texture slices, and texture atlases.

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sealed class Scaler
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open class Signal
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class TripleSignal<A, B, C>


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Combine another TextureAtlas with the current atlas to create a new TextureAtlas.

fun TextureAtlas.combine(texture: Texture, name: String, context: Context): TextureAtlas

Combine a Texture with a TextureAtlas into a new TextureAtlas.

Combine a TextureSlice with a TextureAtlas into a new TextureAtlas.

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inline fun DoubleArrayList.fastForEach(callback: (Double) -> Unit)
inline fun FloatArrayList.fastForEach(callback: (Float) -> Unit)
inline fun IntArrayList.fastForEach(callback: (Int) -> Unit)
inline fun <T> Array<T>.fastForEach(callback: (T) -> Unit)
inline fun <T> List<T>.fastForEach(callback: (T) -> Unit)
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inline fun <T> List<T>.fastForEachReverse(callback: (T) -> Unit)
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inline fun DoubleArrayList.fastForEachWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, value: Double) -> Unit)
inline fun FloatArrayList.fastForEachWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, value: Float) -> Unit)
inline fun IntArrayList.fastForEachWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, value: Int) -> Unit)
inline fun <T> Array<T>.fastForEachWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, value: T) -> Unit)
inline fun <T> List<T>.fastForEachWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, value: T) -> Unit)
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inline fun <T> MutableList<T>.fastIterateRemove(callback: (T) -> Boolean): MutableList<T>
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inline fun <T> List<T>.forEachReversed(action: (T) -> Unit)
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fun signal(): Signal
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fun <A, B> signal2v(): DoubleSignal<A, B>
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fun <A, B, C> signal3v(): TripleSignal<A, B, C>
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expect fun Double.toString(precision: Int): String
fun Float.toString(precision: Int): String
actual fun Double.toString(precision: Int): String
actual fun Double.toString(precision: Int): String
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fun <T> MutableList<T>.truncate(newSize: Int)


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