Package-level declarations


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class TiledGroupLayer(val type: String, val name: String, val id: Int, val visible: Boolean, val width: Int, val height: Int, val offsetX: Float, val offsetY: Float, val tileWidth: Int, val tileHeight: Int, val tintColor: Color?, val opacity: Float, val properties: Map<String, TiledMap.Property>, val layers: List<TiledLayer>) : TiledLayer
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class TiledImageLayer(val type: String, val name: String, val id: Int, val visible: Boolean, val width: Int, val height: Int, val offsetX: Float, val offsetY: Float, val tileWidth: Int, val tileHeight: Int, val tintColor: Color?, val opacity: Float, val properties: Map<String, TiledMap.Property>, texture: TextureSlice?) : TiledLayer
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abstract class TiledLayer(val type: String, val name: String, val id: Int, val visible: Boolean, val width: Int, val height: Int, val offsetX: Float, val offsetY: Float, val tileWidth: Int, val tileHeight: Int, val tintColor: Color?, val opacity: Float, val properties: Map<String, TiledMap.Property>) : TileLayer
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class TiledMap(val backgroundColor: Color?, val orientation: TiledMap.Orientation, val renderOrder: TiledMap.RenderOrder, val staggerAxis: TiledMap.StaggerAxis?, val staggerIndex: TiledMap.StaggerIndex?, val layers: List<TiledLayer>, val width: Int, val height: Int, val properties: Map<String, TiledMap.Property>, val tileWidth: Int, val tileHeight: Int, val tileSets: List<TiledTileset>, textures: MutableList<Texture>) : TileMap, Disposable
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class TiledObjectLayer(val type: String, val name: String, val id: Int, val visible: Boolean, val width: Int, val height: Int, val offsetX: Float, val offsetY: Float, val tileWidth: Int, val tileHeight: Int, val tintColor: Color?, val opacity: Float, val properties: Map<String, TiledMap.Property>, val drawOrder: TiledMap.Object.DrawOrder?, val objects: List<TiledMap.Object>, tiles: Map<Int, TiledTileset.Tile>) : TiledLayer
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class TiledTileset(val tileWidth: Int, val tileHeight: Int, val tiles: List<TiledTileset.Tile>) : TileSet
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class TiledTilesLayer(val type: String, val name: String, val id: Int, val visible: Boolean, val width: Int, val height: Int, val offsetX: Float, val offsetY: Float, val tileWidth: Int, val tileHeight: Int, val tintColor: Color?, val opacity: Float, val properties: Map<String, TiledMap.Property>, staggerIndex: TiledMap.StaggerIndex?, staggerAxis: TiledMap.StaggerAxis?, orientation: TiledMap.Orientation, tileData: IntArray, tiles: Map<Int, TiledTileset.Tile>) : TiledLayer