
open class PackingOptions(var allowRotation: Boolean = false, var paddingHorizontal: Int = 2, var paddingVertical: Int = 2, var outputPagesAsPowerOfTwo: Boolean = true, var maxWidth: Int = 4096, var maxHeight: Int = 4096, var edgeBorder: Int = 2, var bleed: Boolean = true, var bleedIterations: Int = 2, var extrude: Int = 1)


Colton Daily


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fun PackingOptions(allowRotation: Boolean = false, paddingHorizontal: Int = 2, paddingVertical: Int = 2, outputPagesAsPowerOfTwo: Boolean = true, maxWidth: Int = 4096, maxHeight: Int = 4096, edgeBorder: Int = 2, bleed: Boolean = true, bleedIterations: Int = 2, extrude: Int = 1)


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open override fun toString(): String


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var allowRotation: Boolean = false

If true, images will be rotated 90 degrees in an attempt to pack more efficiently.

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var bleed: Boolean = true

If true, RGB values for transparent pixels are set based on the RGB values of the nearest non-transparent pixels. This prevents filtering artifacts when RGB values are sampled for transparent pixels.

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The amount of bleed iterations that should be performed. Use greater values such as 4 or 8 if you’re having artifacts when downscaling your textures.

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var edgeBorder: Int = 2
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var extrude: Int = 1

Repeats the packed image pixels at the border. Does not change the packed image size.

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var maxHeight: Int = 4096
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var maxWidth: Int = 4096
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If true, pages will have power of two dimensions.

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Number of pixels between packed images horizontally

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Number of pixels between packed images vertically