
open class SceneGraph<InputType>(val context: Context, viewport: Viewport = ScreenViewport(, ), batch: Batch? = null, val uiInputSignals: SceneGraph.UiInputSignals<InputType> = UiInputSignals(), val controller: InputMapController<InputType> = createDefaultSceneGraphController( context.input, uiInputSignals ), whitePixel: TextureSlice = Textures.white) : InputMapProcessor<InputType> , Disposable

A class for creating a scene graph of nodes.


Colton Daily



the current context


the viewport that the camera of the scene graph will own


an option sprite batch. If omitted, the scene graph will create and manage its own.


the input signals mapped to the UI input of type InputType.


the input map controller for the scene graph


a white 1x1 pixel TextureSlice that is used for rendering with ShapeRenderer.


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fun <InputType> SceneGraph(context: Context, viewport: Viewport = ScreenViewport(, ), batch: Batch? = null, uiInputSignals: SceneGraph.UiInputSignals<InputType> = UiInputSignals(), controller: InputMapController<InputType> = createDefaultSceneGraphController( context.input, uiInputSignals ), whitePixel: TextureSlice = Textures.white)


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data class UiInputSignals<InputType>(val uiAccept: InputType? = null, val uiSelect: InputType? = null, val uiCancel: InputType? = null, val uiFocusNext: InputType? = null, val uiFocusPrev: InputType? = null, val uiLeft: InputType? = null, val uiRight: InputType? = null, val uiUp: InputType? = null, val uiDown: InputType? = null, val uiHome: InputType? = null, val uiEnd: InputType? = null)


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open override fun charTyped(character: Char): Boolean

Invoked when a Key is pressed and a Char is associated with that key.

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open override fun dispose()

Lifecycle method. Do any necessary unloading / disposing here. This is called when this scene is removed from the active slot.

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open override fun gamepadButtonPressed(button: GameButton, pressure: Float, gamepad: Int): Boolean

Invoked when a GameButton is initially pressed on a GamepadInfo.

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open override fun gamepadButtonReleased(button: GameButton, gamepad: Int): Boolean

Invoked when a GameButton is released on a GamepadInfo.

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open override fun gamepadJoystickMoved(stick: GameStick, xAxis: Float, yAxis: Float, gamepad: Int): Boolean

Invoked when a GameStick is moved on a GamepadInfo.

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open override fun gamepadTriggerChanged(button: GameButton, pressure: Float, gamepad: Int): Boolean

Invoked when a GameButton that is considered a trigger is changed / moved.

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fun hasFocus(control: Control): Boolean

Checks if the Control has the current keyboard focus.

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open suspend fun initialize()

Initializes the root Node and InputProcessor. This must be called before an update or render calls.

open suspend fun Node.initialize()

Lifecycle method. This is called whenever the SceneGraph is set before initialize is called. Any nodes added to this Node context won't be added until the next frame update.

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open override fun keyDown(key: Key): Boolean

Invoked when a Key is initially pressed down.

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open override fun keyRepeat(key: Key): Boolean

Invoked when a Key is pressed and held down.

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open override fun keyUp(key: Key): Boolean

Invoked when a Key is released.

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operator fun minusAssign(node: Node)

Removes the node from the root.

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open override fun mouseMoved(screenX: Float, screenY: Float): Boolean

Invoked when the mouse is moved.

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open fun onActionChange(inputType: InputType, pressure: Float): Boolean
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open override fun onActionDown(inputType: InputType): Boolean
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open override fun onActionRepeat(inputType: InputType): Boolean
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open override fun onActionUp(inputType: InputType): Boolean
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open fun onStart()

Lifecycle method. This is called when this scene becomes the active scene.

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operator fun plusAssign(node: Node)

Adds the new to the root.

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Releases any current keyboard focus.

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open fun render()

Renders the entire tree.

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fun requestFocus(control: Control)

Request a Control to receive keyboard focus.

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open fun resize(width: Int, height: Int, centerCamera: Boolean = false)

Resizes the internal graph's OrthographicCamera and CanvasLayer.

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open override fun scrolled(amountX: Float, amountY: Float): Boolean

Invoked when the mouse is scrolled.

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open override fun touchDown(screenX: Float, screenY: Float, pointer: Pointer): Boolean

Invoked when a Pointer is initially touched or clicked. This includes mouse and touch.

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open override fun touchDragged(screenX: Float, screenY: Float, pointer: Pointer): Boolean

Invoked when a Pointer is pressed/clicked and dragged. This includes mouse and touch.

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open override fun touchUp(screenX: Float, screenY: Float, pointer: Pointer): Boolean

Invoked when a Pointer is released. This includes mouse and touch.

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open fun uiInput(control: Control, event: InputEvent<InputType>)

Open method that is triggered whenever a Control node receives an input event.

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open fun update(dt: Duration)

Updates all the nodes in the tree.


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Holds the current Material of the last rendered Node if no changes were made)

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The current delta time.

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The fixed progression lerp ratio for fixed updates. This is used for rendering nodes that use Node.fixedUpdate for movement / physics logic.

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The interval for Node.fixedUpdate to fire. Defaults to 30 times per second.

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val frame: Int

The current frame count.

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The virtual height of hte sceneCanvas.

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open var ppu: Float = 1.0f

Pixel Per Unit. Changing this value affects ppuInv. Defaults to 1.

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The inverse of ppu. Can be used to scale nodes correctly when using a ppu that isn't 1.

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When true, nodes will handle rendering debug related info such as node bounds. When false nodes will not be rendered.

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val root: Node

The root node that should be used to add any children nodes to.

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The root ViewportCanvasLayer that is used for rendering all the children in the graph. Do not add children directly to this node. Instead, add children to the root node.

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var showDebugInfo: Boolean = false

This is the true current value if debugging is rendering. To change this value see requestShowDebugInfo.

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var targetFPS: Int = 60

The target FPS for tmod.

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var tmod: Float = 1.0f

The time modifier based off of targetFPS.

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The virtual width of the sceneCanvas.


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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.button(callback: Button.() -> Unit = {}): Button

Adds a Button to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.camera2d(callback: Camera2D.() -> Unit = {}): Camera2D

Adds a Camera2D to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the Camera2D

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.camera3d(callback: Camera3D.() -> Unit = {}): Camera3D

Adds a Camera3D to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the Camera3D

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.canvasLayer(callback: CanvasLayer.() -> Unit = {}): CanvasLayer

Adds a CanvasLayer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the CanvasLayer

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.centerContainer(callback: CenterContainer.() -> Unit = {}): CenterContainer

Adds a CenterContainer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.column(callback: VBoxContainer.() -> Unit = {}): VBoxContainer

Adds a VBoxContainer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.container(callback: Container.() -> Unit = {}): Container

Adds a Container to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.control(callback: Control.() -> Unit = {}): Control

Adds a Control to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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Adds a DirectionalLight to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the DirectionalLight

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.frameBuffer(callback: FrameBufferNode.() -> Unit = {}): FrameBufferNode
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Adds a FrameBufferContainer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.hBoxContainer(callback: HBoxContainer.() -> Unit = {}): HBoxContainer

Adds a HBoxContainer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.hScrollBar(callback: HScrollBar.() -> Unit = {}): HScrollBar

Adds a HScrollBar to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.label(callback: Label.() -> Unit = {}): Label

Adds a Label to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.lineEdit(callback: LineEdit.() -> Unit = {}): LineEdit

Adds a LineEdit to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.meshNode(callback: MeshNode.() -> Unit = {}): MeshNode

Adds a MeshNode to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the MeshNode

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.ninePatchRect(callback: NinePatchRect.() -> Unit = {}): NinePatchRect

Adds a NinePatchRect to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.node(callback: Node.() -> Unit = {}): Node

Adds a Node to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the Node

inline fun <T : Node> SceneGraph<*>.node(node: T, callback: T.() -> Unit = {}): T

Adds a Node to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the Node. This can be used for classes that extend node that perhaps they don't have a DSL method to initialize it.

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.node2d(callback: Node2D.() -> Unit = {}): Node2D

Adds a Node2D to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the Node2D

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.node3d(callback: Node3D.() -> Unit = {}): Node3D

Adds a Node3D to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the Node3D

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.paddedContainer(callback: PaddedContainer.() -> Unit = {}): PaddedContainer

Adds a PaddedContainer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.panel(callback: Panel.() -> Unit = {}): Panel

Adds a Panel to the SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.panelContainer(callback: PanelContainer.() -> Unit = {}): PanelContainer

Adds a PanelContainer to the SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.progressBar(callback: ProgressBar.() -> Unit = {}): ProgressBar

Adds a ProgressBar to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.row(callback: HBoxContainer.() -> Unit = {}): HBoxContainer

Adds a HBoxContainer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.scrollContainer(callback: ScrollContainer.() -> Unit = {}): ScrollContainer

Adds a ScrollContainer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.textureProgress(callback: TextureProgress.() -> Unit = {}): TextureProgress

Adds a TextureProgress to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.textureRect(callback: TextureRect.() -> Unit = {}): TextureRect

Adds a TextureRect to the SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.vBoxContainer(callback: VBoxContainer.() -> Unit = {}): VBoxContainer

Adds a VBoxContainer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.viewport(callback: ViewportCanvasLayer.() -> Unit = {}): ViewportCanvasLayer

Adds a ViewportCanvasLayer to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the ViewportCanvasLayer

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.vScrollBar(callback: VScrollBar.() -> Unit = {}): VScrollBar

Adds a VScrollBar to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the callback