
data class LDtkTilesetDefinition(val identifier: String, val padding: Int, val pxHei: Int, val pxWid: Int, val relPath: String, val spacing: Int, val tileGridSize: Int, val uid: Int, val embedAtlas: String? = null)

The Tileset definition is the most important part among project definitions. It contains some extra info about each integrated tileset. If you only had to parse one definition section, that would be the one.


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fun LDtkTilesetDefinition(identifier: String, padding: Int, pxHei: Int, pxWid: Int, relPath: String, spacing: Int, tileGridSize: Int, uid: Int, embedAtlas: String? = null)


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val embedAtlas: String? = null

If this value is set, then it means that this atlas uses an internal LDtk atlas image instead of a loaded one.

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Unique String identifier

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Distance in pixels from image borders

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val pxHei: Int

Image height in pixels

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val pxWid: Int

Image width in pixels

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Path to the source file, relative to the current project JSON file

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Space in pixels between all tiles

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val uid: Int

Unique Int identifier