
data class LDtkFieldDefinition(val type: String, val acceptFileTypes: List<String>? = null, val arrayMaxLength: Int? = null, val arrayMinLength: Int? = null, val canBeNull: Boolean, val defaultOverride: DefaultOverrideInfo? = null, val identifier: String, val isArray: Boolean, val max: Float? = null, val min: Float? = null, val regex: String? = null, val uid: Int)

This section is mostly only intended for the LDtk editor app itself. You can safely ignore it.


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fun LDtkFieldDefinition(type: String, acceptFileTypes: List<String>? = null, arrayMaxLength: Int? = null, arrayMinLength: Int? = null, canBeNull: Boolean, defaultOverride: DefaultOverrideInfo? = null, identifier: String, isArray: Boolean, max: Float? = null, min: Float? = null, regex: String? = null, uid: Int)


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Optional list of accepted file extensions for FilePath value type. Includes the dot: .ext

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val arrayMaxLength: Int? = null

Array max length

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val arrayMinLength: Int? = null

Array min length

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TRUE if the value can be null. For arrays, TRUE means it can contain null values (exception: array of Points can't have null values).

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Default value if selected value is null or invalid.

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Unique String identifier

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TRUE if the value is an array of multiple values

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val max: Float? = null

Max limit for value, if applicable

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val min: Float? = null

Min limit for value, if applicable

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val regex: String? = null

Optional regular expression that needs to be matched to accept values. Expected format: /some_reg_ex/g, with optional "i" flag.

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Human readable value type (eg. Int, Float, Point, etc.). If the field is an array, this field will look like Array<...> (eg. Array<Int>, Array<Point> etc.)

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val uid: Int

Unique Intidentifier