interface GL


Colton Daily


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object Companion


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abstract fun activeTexture(texture: Int)
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abstract fun attachShader(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram, glShader: GlShader)
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open fun bindBuffer(target: BufferTarget, glBuffer: GlBuffer)
abstract fun bindBuffer(target: Int, glBuffer: GlBuffer)
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abstract fun bindDefaultBuffer(target: Int)
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abstract fun bindDefaultFrameBuffer()
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abstract fun bindDefaultTexture(target: TextureTarget)
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abstract fun bindDefaultVertexArray()
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abstract fun bindFrameBuffer(glFrameBuffer: GlFrameBuffer)
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abstract fun bindRenderBuffer(glRenderBuffer: GlRenderBuffer)
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open fun bindTexture(target: TextureTarget, glTexture: GlTexture)
abstract fun bindTexture(target: Int, glTexture: GlTexture)
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abstract fun bindVertexArray(glVertexArray: GlVertexArray)
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open fun blendColor(color: Color)
abstract fun blendColor(red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float, alpha: Float)
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abstract fun blendEquation(mode: Int)
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abstract fun blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB: Int, modeAlpha: Int)
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open fun blendFunc(sfactor: BlendFactor, dfactor: BlendFactor)
abstract fun blendFunc(sfactor: Int, dfactor: Int)
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open fun blendFuncSeparate(srcRGB: BlendFactor, dstRGB: BlendFactor, srcAlpha: BlendFactor, dstAlpha: BlendFactor)
abstract fun blendFuncSeparate(srcRGB: Int, dstRGB: Int, srcAlpha: Int, dstAlpha: Int)
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open fun bufferData(target: BufferTarget, data: Buffer, usage: Usage)
abstract fun bufferData(target: Int, data: Buffer, usage: Int)
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open fun bufferSubData(target: BufferTarget, offset: Int, data: Buffer)
abstract fun bufferSubData(target: Int, offset: Int, data: Buffer)
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open fun clear(mask: ClearBufferMask)
abstract fun clear(mask: Int)
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open fun clearColor(color: Color)
abstract fun clearColor(r: Float, g: Float, b: Float, a: Float)
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abstract fun clearDepth(depth: Float)
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abstract fun clearStencil(stencil: Int)
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abstract fun colorMask(red: Boolean, green: Boolean, blue: Boolean, alpha: Boolean)
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abstract fun compileShader(glShader: GlShader)
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open fun compressedTexImage2D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, internalFormat: TextureFormat, width: Int, height: Int, source: ByteBuffer?)
abstract fun compressedTexImage2D(target: Int, level: Int, internalFormat: Int, width: Int, height: Int, source: ByteBuffer?)
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open fun compressedTexImage3D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, internalFormat: TextureFormat, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, source: ByteBuffer?)
abstract fun compressedTexImage3D(target: Int, level: Int, internalFormat: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, source: ByteBuffer?)
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open fun compressedTexSubImage2D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat, source: ByteBuffer)
abstract fun compressedTexSubImage2D(target: Int, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, width: Int, height: Int, format: Int, source: ByteBuffer)
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open fun compressedTexSubImage3D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, zOffset: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat, source: ByteBuffer)
abstract fun compressedTexSubImage3D(target: Int, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, zOffset: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: Int, source: ByteBuffer)
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open fun copyTexImage2D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, internalFormat: TextureFormat, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, border: Int)
abstract fun copyTexImage2D(target: Int, level: Int, internalFormat: Int, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, border: Int)
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open fun copyTexSubImage2D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
abstract fun copyTexSubImage2D(target: Int, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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open fun copyTexSubImage3D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, zOffset: Int, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
abstract fun copyTexSubImage3D(target: Int, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, zOffset: Int, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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abstract fun createBuffer(): GlBuffer
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abstract fun createShader(type: Int): GlShader
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abstract fun createTexture(): GlTexture
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open fun cullFace(mode: CullFaceMode)
abstract fun cullFace(mode: Int)
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abstract fun deleteBuffer(glBuffer: GlBuffer)
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abstract fun deleteFrameBuffer(glFrameBuffer: GlFrameBuffer)
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abstract fun deleteProgram(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram)
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abstract fun deleteRenderBuffer(glRenderBuffer: GlRenderBuffer)
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abstract fun deleteShader(glShader: GlShader)
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abstract fun deleteTexture(glTexture: GlTexture)
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open fun depthFunc(func: CompareFunction)
abstract fun depthFunc(func: Int)
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abstract fun depthMask(flag: Boolean)
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abstract fun depthRangef(zNear: Float, zFar: Float)
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abstract fun detachShader(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram, glShader: GlShader)
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open fun disable(cap: State)
abstract fun disable(cap: Int)
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abstract fun disableVertexAttribArray(index: Int)
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open fun drawArrays(mode: DrawMode, offset: Int, count: Int)
abstract fun drawArrays(mode: Int, offset: Int, count: Int)
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open fun drawElements(mode: DrawMode, count: Int, type: IndexType, offset: Int)
abstract fun drawElements(mode: Int, count: Int, type: Int, offset: Int)
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open fun enable(cap: State)
abstract fun enable(cap: Int)
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abstract fun enableVertexAttribArray(index: Int)
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abstract fun finish()
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abstract fun flush()
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abstract fun frameBufferRenderBuffer(attachementType: FrameBufferRenderBufferAttachment, glRenderBuffer: GlRenderBuffer)
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abstract fun frameBufferTexture2D(attachementType: FrameBufferRenderBufferAttachment, glTexture: GlTexture, level: Int)
abstract fun frameBufferTexture2D(target: Int, attachementType: FrameBufferRenderBufferAttachment, glTexture: GlTexture, level: Int)
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open fun frontFace(mode: FrontFaceMode)
abstract fun frontFace(mode: Int)
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open fun generateMipmap(target: TextureTarget)
abstract fun generateMipmap(target: Int)
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abstract fun getAttribLocation(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram, name: String): Int
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abstract fun getError(): Int
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abstract fun getIntegerv(pname: Int, data: IntBuffer)
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abstract fun getProgramInfoLog(glShader: GlShaderProgram): String
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open fun getProgramParameter(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram, pname: GetProgram): Any
abstract fun getProgramParameter(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram, pname: Int): Any
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open fun getProgramParameterB(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram, pname: GetProgram): Boolean
open fun getProgramParameterB(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram, pname: Int): Boolean
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abstract fun getShaderInfoLog(glShader: GlShader): String
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open fun getShaderParameter(glShader: GlShader, pname: GetShader): Any
abstract fun getShaderParameter(glShader: GlShader, pname: Int): Any
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open fun getShaderParameterB(glShader: GlShader, pname: GetShader): Boolean
open fun getShaderParameterB(glShader: GlShader, pname: Int): Boolean
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abstract fun getString(pname: Int): String?
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abstract fun getUniformLocation(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram, name: String): UniformLocation
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open fun hint(target: HintTarget, mode: HintMode)
abstract fun hint(target: Int, mode: Int)
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abstract fun lineWidth(width: Float)
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abstract fun linkProgram(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram)
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open fun pixelStorei(pname: PixelStoreParameter, param: Int)
abstract fun pixelStorei(pname: Int, param: Int)
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abstract fun polygonOffset(factor: Float, units: Float)
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abstract fun readBuffer(mode: Int)
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abstract fun renderBufferStorage(internalFormat: RenderBufferInternalFormat, width: Int, height: Int)
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abstract fun scissor(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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abstract fun shaderSource(glShader: GlShader, source: String)
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open fun stencilFunc(func: CompareFunction, ref: Int, mask: Int)
abstract fun stencilFunc(func: Int, ref: Int, mask: Int)
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open fun stencilFuncSeparate(face: FaceMode, func: CompareFunction, ref: Int, mask: Int)
abstract fun stencilFuncSeparate(face: Int, func: Int, ref: Int, mask: Int)
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abstract fun stencilMask(mask: Int)
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open fun stencilMaskSeparate(face: FaceMode, mask: Int)
abstract fun stencilMaskSeparate(face: Int, mask: Int)
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open fun stencilOp(fail: StencilAction, zfail: StencilAction, zpass: StencilAction)
abstract fun stencilOp(fail: Int, zfail: Int, zpass: Int)
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open fun stencilOpSeparate(face: FaceMode, fail: StencilAction, zfail: StencilAction, zpass: StencilAction)
abstract fun stencilOpSeparate(face: Int, fail: Int, zfail: Int, zpass: Int)
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open fun texImage2D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, internalFormat: TextureFormat, format: TextureFormat, width: Int, height: Int, type: DataType)
abstract fun texImage2D(target: Int, level: Int, internalFormat: Int, format: Int, width: Int, height: Int, type: Int)
open fun texImage2D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, internalFormat: TextureFormat, format: TextureFormat, width: Int, height: Int, type: DataType, source: ByteBuffer)
abstract fun texImage2D(target: Int, level: Int, internalFormat: Int, format: Int, width: Int, height: Int, type: Int, source: ByteBuffer)
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open fun texImage3D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, internalFormat: TextureFormat, format: TextureFormat, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, type: DataType)
abstract fun texImage3D(target: Int, level: Int, internalFormat: Int, format: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, type: Int)
open fun texImage3D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, internalFormat: TextureFormat, format: TextureFormat, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, type: DataType, source: ByteBuffer)
abstract fun texImage3D(target: Int, level: Int, internalFormat: Int, format: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, type: Int, source: ByteBuffer)
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open fun texParameterf(target: TextureTarget, paramName: TexParameter, paramValue: Float)
abstract fun texParameterf(target: Int, pname: Int, param: Float)
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open fun texParameteri(target: TextureTarget, paramName: TexParameter, paramValue: Int)
abstract fun texParameteri(target: Int, pname: Int, param: Int)
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open fun texSubImage2D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat, type: DataType, source: ByteBuffer)
abstract fun texSubImage2D(target: Int, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, width: Int, height: Int, format: Int, type: Int, source: ByteBuffer)
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open fun texSubImage3D(target: TextureTarget, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, zOffset: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat, type: DataType, source: ByteBuffer)
abstract fun texSubImage3D(target: Int, level: Int, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, zOffset: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: Int, type: Int, source: ByteBuffer)
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abstract fun uniform1f(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, x: Float)
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open fun uniform1fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, floats: Array<Float>)
abstract fun uniform1fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, floats: FloatArray)
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abstract fun uniform1i(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, data: Int)
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abstract fun uniform2f(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, x: Float, y: Float)
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open fun uniform2fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, floats: Array<Float>)
abstract fun uniform2fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, floats: FloatArray)
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abstract fun uniform2i(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, x: Int, y: Int)
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abstract fun uniform3f(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, x: Float, y: Float, z: Float)
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open fun uniform3fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, floats: Array<Float>)
abstract fun uniform3fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, floats: FloatArray)
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abstract fun uniform3i(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
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abstract fun uniform4f(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, w: Float)
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open fun uniform4fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, floats: Array<Float>)
abstract fun uniform4fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, floats: FloatArray)
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abstract fun uniformMatrix3fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, transpose: Boolean, data: FloatBuffer)
abstract fun uniformMatrix3fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, transpose: Boolean, data: Mat3)
abstract fun uniformMatrix3fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, transpose: Boolean, data: Array<Float>)
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abstract fun uniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, transpose: Boolean, data: FloatBuffer)
abstract fun uniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, transpose: Boolean, data: Mat4)
abstract fun uniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation: UniformLocation, transpose: Boolean, data: Array<Float>)
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abstract fun useDefaultProgram()
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abstract fun useProgram(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram)
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abstract fun validateProgram(glShaderProgram: GlShaderProgram)
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open fun vertexAttribPointer(index: Int, size: Int, type: VertexAttrType, normalized: Boolean, stride: Int, offset: Int)
abstract fun vertexAttribPointer(index: Int, size: Int, type: Int, normalized: Boolean, stride: Int, offset: Int)
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abstract fun viewport(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int)


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open val isG30: Boolean
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abstract val version: GLVersion


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