
data class LDtkEntityDefinition(val color: String, val fieldDefs: List<LDtkFieldDefinition>, val fillOpacity: Float, val height: Int, val hollow: Boolean, val identifier: String, val keepAspectRatio: Boolean, val lineOpacity: Float, val maxCount: Int, val pivotX: Float, val pivotY: Float, val resizableX: Boolean, val resizableY: Boolean, val showName: Boolean, val tags: List<String>, val tileID: Int? = null, val tilesetID: Int? = null, val uid: Int, val width: Int, val tileRect: LDtkTileRect? = null)


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fun LDtkEntityDefinition(color: String, fieldDefs: List<LDtkFieldDefinition>, fillOpacity: Float, height: Int, hollow: Boolean, identifier: String, keepAspectRatio: Boolean, lineOpacity: Float, maxCount: Int, pivotX: Float, pivotY: Float, resizableX: Boolean, resizableY: Boolean, showName: Boolean, tags: List<String>, tileID: Int? = null, tilesetID: Int? = null, uid: Int, width: Int, tileRect: LDtkTileRect? = null)


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Base entity color

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Array of field definitions

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val height: Int

Pixel height

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Unique String identifier

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Only applies to entities resizable on both X/Y. If TRUE, the entity instance width/height will keep the same aspect ratio as the definition.

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Max instances count

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Pivot X coordinate (from 0 to 1.0)

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Pivot Y coordinate (from 0 to 1.0)

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If TRUE, the entity instances will be resizable horizontally

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If TRUE, the entity instances will be resizable vertically

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Display entity name in editor

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An array of strings that classifies this entity

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val tileID: Int? = null

Tile ID used for optional tile display

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val tileRect: LDtkTileRect? = null

An object representing a rectangle from an existing tileset

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val tilesetID: Int? = null

Tileset ID used for optional tile display

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val uid: Int

Unique Int identifier

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val width: Int

Pixel width