
interface InputProcessor

An interface that handles input events.


Colton Daily


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open fun charTyped(character: Char): Boolean

Invoked when a Key is pressed and a Char is associated with that key.

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open fun gamepadButtonPressed(button: GameButton, pressure: Float, gamepad: Int): Boolean

Invoked when a GameButton is initially pressed on a GamepadInfo.

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open fun gamepadButtonReleased(button: GameButton, gamepad: Int): Boolean

Invoked when a GameButton is released on a GamepadInfo.

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open fun gamepadJoystickMoved(stick: GameStick, xAxis: Float, yAxis: Float, gamepad: Int): Boolean

Invoked when a GameStick is moved on a GamepadInfo.

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open fun gamepadTriggerChanged(button: GameButton, pressure: Float, gamepad: Int): Boolean

Invoked when a GameButton that is considered a trigger is changed / moved.

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open fun keyDown(key: Key): Boolean

Invoked when a Key is initially pressed down.

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open fun keyRepeat(key: Key): Boolean

Invoked when a Key is pressed and held down.

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open fun keyUp(key: Key): Boolean

Invoked when a Key is released.

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open fun mouseMoved(screenX: Float, screenY: Float): Boolean

Invoked when the mouse is moved.

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open fun scrolled(amountX: Float, amountY: Float): Boolean

Invoked when the mouse is scrolled.

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open fun touchDown(screenX: Float, screenY: Float, pointer: Pointer): Boolean

Invoked when a Pointer is initially touched or clicked. This includes mouse and touch.

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open fun touchDragged(screenX: Float, screenY: Float, pointer: Pointer): Boolean

Invoked when a Pointer is pressed/clicked and dragged. This includes mouse and touch.

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open fun touchUp(screenX: Float, screenY: Float, pointer: Pointer): Boolean

Invoked when a Pointer is released. This includes mouse and touch.


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