Package-level declarations


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open class Camera2D : Node2D

A Node2D that scrolls the closest rendering Camera. The rendering Camera will either be from a CanvasLayer or the SceneGraph. Only one Camera2D can be active at a time per Camera.

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open class Node2D : CanvasItem

A Node with extended 2D transformations.


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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.camera2d(callback: Camera2D.() -> Unit = {}): Camera2D

Adds a Camera2D to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the Camera2D

inline fun Node.camera2d(callback: Camera2D.() -> Unit = {}): Camera2D

Adds a Camera2D to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback

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inline fun SceneGraph<*>.node2d(callback: Node2D.() -> Unit = {}): Node2D

Adds a Node2D to the current SceneGraph.root as a child and then triggers the Node2D

inline fun Node.node2d(callback: Node2D.() -> Unit = {}): Node2D

Adds a Node2D to the current Node as a child and then triggers the callback