Package-level declarations


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abstract class Camera
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open class Color(r: Float, g: Float, b: Float, a: Float = 1.0f) : Vec4f
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class ColorGradient(colors: Pair<Float, Color>, n: Int = DEFAULT_N, toLinear: Boolean = false)
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actual class Cursor(pixmap: Pixmap, xHotspot: Int, yHotSpot: Int) : Disposable
expect class Cursor(pixmap: Pixmap, xHotspot: Int = 0, yHotSpot: Int = 0) : Disposable
actual class Cursor(val pixmap: Pixmap, val xHotspot: Int, val yHotSpot: Int) : Disposable
actual class Cursor(val pixmap: Pixmap, val xHotspot: Int, val yHotSpot: Int) : Disposable
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object Fonts

An object that contains a bunch of common fonts that are used across LittleKt.

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class FrameBuffer(    val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val hasDepth: Boolean = false,     val hasStencil: Boolean = false,     var hasPackedDepthStencil: Boolean = false,     val format: Pixmap.Format = Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888,     val minFilter: TexMinFilter = TexMinFilter.LINEAR,     val magFilter: TexMagFilter = TexMagFilter.LINEAR) : Preparable, Disposable

Encapsulates OpenGL frame buffer objects.

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interface GL
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class GLVersion(val platform: Context.Platform, version: String = "0.0", val vendor: String = "N/A", val renderer: String = "N/A")
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class IndexBufferObject(val gl: GL, val isStatic: Boolean = true, var buffer: ShortBuffer) : Disposable
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class Mesh(val gl: GL, val geometry: MeshGeometry, var autoBind: Boolean = true) : Disposable
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open class MutableColor(r: Float, g: Float, b: Float, a: Float) : Color
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open class OrthographicCamera(virtualWidth: Float = 0.0f, virtualHeight: Float = 0.0f) : Camera
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open class PerspectiveCamera(virtualWidth: Float = 0.0f, virtualHeight: Float = 0.0f) : Camera
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class Pixmap(val width: Int, val height: Int, val pixels: ByteBuffer = createByteBuffer(width * height * 4))
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data class PixmapSlice(val pixmap: Pixmap, val x: Int = 0, val y: Int = 0, val width: Int = pixmap.width, val height: Int = pixmap.height)

A rectangular slice of a pixmap.

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interface Preparable
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class Texture(val textureData: TextureData) : Preparable, Disposable
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interface TextureData
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object Textures

An object that contains a bunch of common texture slices that can be used to prevent texture switches.

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data class VertexAttribute(    val usage: VertexAttrUsage,     val numComponents: Int,     val alias: String,     val type: VertexAttrType = if (usage == VertexAttrUsage.COLOR_PACKED) VertexAttrType.UNSIGNED_BYTE else VertexAttrType.FLOAT,     val normalized: Boolean = usage == VertexAttrUsage.COLOR_PACKED,     val unit: Int = 0,     val asInt: Boolean = false)
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value class VertexAttrUsage(val usage: Int)
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class VertexBufferObject(val gl: GL, val isStatic: Boolean, val attributes: VertexAttributes, var buffer: FloatBuffer) : Disposable


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fun Color.abgr(): Int
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fun Pixmap.addBorderToSlices(context: Context, sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int, border: Int = 1, mipmaps: Boolean = false): Texture

Slice up the pixmap with the given size with an added border but returns the newly created Texture. This can be used to prevent atlas bleeding.

fun Texture.addBorderToSlices(context: Context, sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int, border: Int = 1, mipmaps: Boolean = false): Texture

Slice up the texture with the given size with an added border but returns the newly created Texture. This can be used to prevent atlas bleeding.

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fun <T : ContextListener> T.colorMesh(size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh
fun colorMesh(gl: GL, size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh

Creates a mesh with VertexAttribute.POSITION_2D and VertexAttribute.COLOR_PACKED attributes.

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fun <T : ContextListener> T.colorMeshUnpacked(size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh
fun colorMeshUnpacked(gl: GL, size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh
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fun <T : TextureData> T.generateMipMap(    context: Context,     target: TextureTarget,     pixmap: Pixmap,     width: Int,     height: Int,     useHWMipMap: Boolean = true)
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fun <T : ContextListener> T.mesh(attributes: List<VertexAttribute>, size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh
inline fun mesh(gl: GL, attributes: List<VertexAttribute>, size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh
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fun positionMesh(gl: GL, size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh
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fun Color.rgba(): Int
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fun Pixmap.slice(sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int): Array<Array<PixmapSlice>>
fun Texture.slice(sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int): Array<Array<TextureSlice>>
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fun Pixmap.sliceWithBorder(context: Context, sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int, border: Int = 1, mipmaps: Boolean = false): List<TextureSlice>
fun Texture.sliceWithBorder(context: Context, sliceWidth: Int, sliceHeight: Int, border: Int = 1, mipmaps: Boolean = false): List<TextureSlice>

Slice up the texture in a list of TextureSlice with the given size with an added border. This can be used to prevent atlas bleeding.

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fun <T : ContextListener> T.textureMesh(size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh
fun textureMesh(gl: GL, size: Int = 1000, grow: Boolean = false, generate: Mesh.() -> Unit): Mesh
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Packs the color components into a 32-bit integer with the format ABGR and then converts it to a float. Alpha is compressed from 0-255 to use only even numbers between 0-254 to avoid using float bits in the NaN range. Converting a color to a float and back can be lossy for alpha.

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fun <T : TextureData> T.uploadImageData(context: Context, target: TextureTarget, data: TextureData, mipLevel: Int = 0)