Package-level declarations
Encapsulates OpenGL frame buffer objects.
Slice up the pixmap with the given size with an added border but returns the newly created Texture. This can be used to prevent atlas bleeding.
Slice up the texture with the given size with an added border but returns the newly created Texture. This can be used to prevent atlas bleeding.
Creates a mesh with VertexAttribute.POSITION_2D and VertexAttribute.COLOR_UNPACKED attributes.
Creates a mesh with VertexAttribute.POSITION_2D and VertexAttribute.COLOR_PACKED attributes.
Creates a mesh with VertexAttribute.POSITION_2D and VertexAttribute.COLOR_UNPACKED attributes.
Slice up the texture in a list of TextureSlice with the given size with an added border. This can be used to prevent atlas bleeding.
Creates a mesh with VertexAttribute.POSITION_2D, VertexAttribute.COLOR_PACKED, and VertexAttribute.TEX_COORDS attributes.
Packs the color components into a 32-bit integer with the format ABGR and then converts it to a float. Alpha is compressed from 0-255 to use only even numbers between 0-254 to avoid using float bits in the NaN range. Converting a color to a float and back can be lossy for alpha.