Draws a filled polygon.
the center point
the number of sides
the horizontal scale
the vertical scale
the rotation of the polygon
the packed color of the center of the polygon. See Color.toFloatBits.
the packed color of the perimeter of the polygon. See Color.toFloatBits
Draws a filled polygon.
the x-coord of the center point
the y-coord of the center point
the number of sides
the horizontal scale
the vertical scale
the rotation of the polygon
the packed color of the center of the polygon. See Color.toFloatBits.
the packed color of the perimeter of the polygon. See Color.toFloatBits
Draws a filled polygon used the specified vertices.
Note: this triangulates the polygon everytime it is called - it is recommended to cache the triangles. Triangulator.computeTriangles can be used to calculate the triangles.
consecutive ordered pairs of the x-y coordinates of the vertices of the polygon
the index of the vertices FloatArray at which to start drawing
the number of vertices to draw from the offset
Draws a filled polygon used the specified vertices.
consecutive ordered pairs of the x-y coordinates of the vertices of the polygon
ordered triples of the indices of the float[] defining the polygon vertices corresponding to triangles. Triangulator.computeTriangles can be used to calculate the triangles.