Draws a line from point A to point B.
starting vertex point
ending vertex point
color of the start vertex
color of the end vertex
the thickness of the line in pixels
whether to snap the given coordinates to the center of the pixel
Draws a line from point A to point B.
starting x-coord
starting y-coord
ending x-coord
ending y-coord
color of the start vertex
color of the end vertex
the thickness of the line in pixels
whether to snap the given coordinates to the center of the pixel
Draws a line from point A to point B.
starting vertex point
ending vertex point
packed color of the start vertex
packed color of the end vertex
the thickness of the line in world units
whether to snap the given coordinates to the center of the pixel
Draws a line from point A to point B.
starting x-coord
starting y-coord
ending x-coord
ending y-coord
packed color of the start vertex
packed color of the end vertex
the thickness of the line in world units
whether to snap the given coordinates to the center of the pixel